Episode 28: Starstruck


Cyndi Lauper’s adorable Australian cousin?

Citizens of Jazzhandia, we are here with an ambassador from the 1980s by way of Australia – it’s STARSTRUCK!

If a Cyndi Lauper music video had a love child with The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the result would be the delightfully bonkers STARSTRUCK.  Featuring catchy early 80s punk/pop delivered in the form of mini-music videos, the movie flies by with quirky interactions sprinkled liberally between musical set pieces.

None of your hosts had ever even heard of this movie when the Alamo Drafthouse did a screening of a newly restored print, and this episode proves that it’s really hard to describe dance with just words. Which means you’ll just have to seek out this movie and see it in all its glorious joy for yourself.

And if you have seen and loved THE APPLE, you need to make this a priority, Jazz Hams.

Take a listen and fill up our letterboxes with your own thoughts!




“Penis envy!” (It makes sense if you watch the movie.)

Starstruck (1982)
Starstruck poster Rating: 6.8/10 (1,291 votes)
Director: Gillian Armstrong
Writer: Stephen MacLean
Stars: Jo Kennedy, Ross O'Donovan, Margo Lee
Runtime: 105 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Musical
Released: 26 Jan 1983
Plot: A teenage girl, with dreams of becoming a famous singer, tries to secure a spot on a local televised talent show.


    • Dennis Nattrass on June 18, 2019 at 1:03 am
    • Reply

    I like the “glorious joy” line. It was fun to write those songs!

    • Windy Bowlsby on June 24, 2019 at 1:07 pm
    • Reply

    Holy cow! I’m so excited that you commented!
    Those songs were so catchy – we still sing them to each other sometimes when we’re setting up for an episode!

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