Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThis week, Mike and Vinnie struggle to keep up as Windy lays out several decades of her obsession with XANADU. Mike had never seen it, Vinnie never on the big screen, and it was showing at the Alamo Drafthouse so this was an EVENT, capital …
Tag: Kenny Ortega
Oct 23 2018
Episode 12: Disney’s Newsies the Broadway Musical Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThis week, Mike and Vinnie gush about DISNEY’S NEWSIES THE BROADWAY MUSICAL (and Windy sits back and preens with “I told you so”). Thank god for Harvey Fierstein who restructured and improved the plot and characters, giving us a story with emotional weight, snappy banter, …
Oct 16 2018
Episode 11: Newsies Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThis week, listeners, Windy steers Mike and Vinnie towards NEWSIES, the 1992 live-action Disney musical. Starring a teen-aged Christian Bale (who was mortified to appear in a musical), a scenery-chewing and excessively gesturing Robert Duvall, and Bill Pullman singing and dancing, this is a film oddity worth …
Aug 06 2018
Episode 1: High School Musical Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHere it is! Our inaugural episode! We chose to kick things off with a high-energy modern hit: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Each week, your trio of hosts – Windy, Mike & Vinnie – will be watching a musical, but here’s the trick: at least one of …
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